Monday, March 4, 2013

Greatest Money Making Blog Ever! Wanna Bet?

Let it be a testament to my cutting edge, no scratch that, bleeding edge... awareness and overall sense of current marketing trends and revenue opportunities that I took the explideo URL on blogger. 

I mentioned in my last vid about creating this very blog, and how Explideos would be covered here, well to my surprise when I got here to claim my new stake of Blogger terrain, I found the Explideo. URL as "AVAILABLE"! 

Now wait, before you hate on this old dude, it is an honor to be the first to spot a trend. Even if it is a macroscopic one. At my age I will take all I can get. Now go watch my video and learn something, or leave me something so I can learn. Or just go away if you have to, this is an equal opportunity occult recruiting. 

- Shane

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